First enter the code from the messageThis code does not match the code from the messageAn error occurred during authorization. Try again in a few minutes.
The password has been sent to you via SMS, Viber or Telegram.
First enter the code from the messageThis code does not match the code from the messageAn error occurred during authorization. Try again in a few minutes.
Please enter a valid phone number
A repeat call is possible through sec.
We are calling you!
Answer the call and follow the robot's instructions
We were unable to call the phone number. Please check the number or use SMS authorization
Thank you
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Authorization with a foreign phone number is possible only in the Bond mobile application. You can download the application using the links below:
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100 г
томлена м'якоть ребер порося зі смокеру <br> <br>Просто опусти упаковку в киплячу воду на 7 хвилин, далі витягни пакет з води, зроби надріз пакету та витягни продукт. Викладай на тарілку та насолоджуйся! <br> <br>*вага може бути 300 г та 500 г